Hand therapy can be very helpful in treating RSI (repetitive strain injury) in the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow.
SRSI, or repetitive strain injury is term used to cover a variety of overuse type issues in the hand & upper limb. Without accurate education and treatment RSI can limit participation and enjoyment in every day activities, including work and sport. We can help you get back to doing what you want quickly. We will help you understand the cause of your RSI, whether it be in our hand, wrist, forearm or elbow. This is the key to successful treatment of RSI and will get you back on track sooner rather than later. RSI can involve tendons, muscles, nerves and ligaments. And usually feels like an aching pain, sometimes burning, can be sharp or may be over a larger area. Fatigue and weakenss in everyday activities is very common. We will help you understand what has caused your RSI and from here work with you to rectify any concerns wit how you perform tasks and the equipment you use. We will teach you how to manage your symptoms yourself. And target an individual treatment program which will help to get you back to doing the things you love quicker.