Providing creative ways of treating our clients is not new at AHHOT. This is because our business has successfully grown by responding innovatively to change and challenge.
Now, more than ever, we are using our creative & problem solving Occupational Therapy brains, to overcome the difficulties the Corona virus has thrown at us in providing a hands on service. Obviously we need to see clients to custom make splints, measure for pressure garments and closely check wounds. However at AHHOT our method of service delivery is through educating a client about what is causing their concern and guiding them through the process of how they can get better. We don't provide repeated passive treatment sessions, because we don't believe this helps our clients get better faster. Much of how we assess, educate and treat can be done online. And at the moment much of what we do MUST be done online. As health professionals it is our responsibility to advocate for health in our community. And even though the Federal Government currently assesses our services as 'essential' and encourages us to stay open- it is important that we play our part in stopping the spread.
Author Jo MarshClick here to edit Archives
February 2025
Adelaide & Hills HAND THERAPY. Hand & arm rehabilitation in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills SA.