Assistive Technology is a device or system that enables a person to perform daily or work tasks that they would otherwise be unable to do. Assistive Technology (or AT) can also be something that makes a task easier or increases safety when performing a task.
Assistive Technology may be something seemingly simple, like a built up pencil grip or non-slip mat. It may also be something more complex like voice recognition to turn on the bedroom lights. The NDIS has listed categories of assistive technology ranging from basic, through standard, specialised and complex. The category of the item will depend upon how readily available it is, whether it requires modification or customisation, how much the item costs, and whether there is any risk involved in using the AT. The NDIS fund AT supports when allocation of funding is made in the current NDIS plan. The level of complexity and degree of cost and potential risk of the item, will depend upon how they are accessed. Low risk and low cost items can be purchased without special forms being completed. However most items require assessment by an AT Assessor with relevant experience involving the item being sought / modified. Our Occupational Therapist is a registered NDIS provider and AT assessor for several items. We are happy to discuss how we might help you access the Assistive Technology that you require through the NDIS, 08 8339 HAND (4263).
In our clinic this winter we noticed an increased number of women footballers coming in with injured fingers.
Usually these injuries occur from football v tip (sudden hyper extension) or tackling (rotation and hyper extension). Most common injuries have been volar plate injuries (+/- avulsion fractures). That is, damaging the middle joint (PIPJ) on the palm side of the hand. A few have arrived late having been buddy taped without success. Buddy taping a volar plate injury will usually not allow for quick healing and delay return to play.
Footy code (locally) enables play when plastic splint is fully covered with tape- we will usually have a splint for sport and another for the rest of the time. We are encouraging early referral so we can get them moving within safe limits immediately. Whilst enabling repair and preventing deformity. |
Author Jo MarshClick here to edit Archives
February 2025
Adelaide & Hills HAND THERAPY. Hand & arm rehabilitation in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills SA.